Ok, back tu this very person... norazira, aku panggil 'azie' or as in some cases, 'apple'...kat umah org panggil dia 'ira'. i can't even imagine how awkward if i'm the person calling her 'ira' or other than what i always called her..x tau pulak kat sharodz org panggil dia ape.. (betul ke eja sharodz?) ceh, konon la aku knal dia sjak zman tok-tonggek, pdahal aku knal dia mse form 1 dkt SMK SS.. huhu, ape SS? klu tau sudah, klu x tau pon x pe.. then form 4, we all went our separate ways... sume rezeki masing2la..
tp, ktorg x pnah lost contact.. klu lame x contact tu biase la, ngee~~
Ni kes kalau bercakap dlm fon plak ngan mek ni.. klu ckp ngan dia, 2 jam pon bole kot.. stakat nih record ktorg 1 jam 30 min x silap.. lpas habis call je, panas telinga.. huhu, jdi . 1*1/2 jam bru2 ni ckp ngan dia sbb 30 jam kat fon umah.. break kejap, aku plak call dia 15min, then terputus then sambung balik 45 minit... haha, ade skali tu ktorg ckp cell phone to cell phone 1 hour 9 mins x silap(kes lama), siap mak dia ptong bill lg..haha, trus pakai prepaid plak.. pdan muke ko, haha* w/ evil laugh..(kidding, k)
Ape lagi ek nk kate pasal budak sorang nih? maybe lagu kat bwh ni leh tolong kot:
kalau lambat loading, ni lirik dia:
She's an underdog
Lives next door to me
She's always heard you won't amount to anything
And it kills me to watch the agony beyond her eyes
Tragic the way people pass her by
But now I realize
She's an underdog
Lives next door to me
She's always heard you won't amount to anything
And it kills me to watch the agony beyond her eyes
Tragic the way people pass her by
But now I realize
That everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she takes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she takes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world
She's original
Never trying to fit in
She's got a way to always go
Against the grain
Oh yea!
Someday they'll see how beautiful she really is
I know that last will be the first
The tables gonna turn cause...
That everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she fakes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world
Maybe she'll be in a movie
Maybe she'll be in a song
Better pay her some attention
Before she's gone
She's an underdog
She means the world to me
Never trying to fit in
She's got a way to always go
Against the grain
Oh yea!
Someday they'll see how beautiful she really is
I know that last will be the first
The tables gonna turn cause...
That everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she fakes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world
Maybe she'll be in a movie
Maybe she'll be in a song
Better pay her some attention
Before she's gone
She's an underdog
She means the world to me
Everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she makes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world
Everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she makes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world
kepada sesiapa di luar sane, cewah2.. sesiape yg membace la maksud aku, klu korang x tau maksud underdog ni, bukan anjing ye kawan2.. hehe, maksudnya, 'orang yang tertindas'.. "tapi farah, yang cite kat dalam tv tu, underdog tu anjing kan?", kate hati..ade x korg tertanye gitu? hehe, aku assume je.. yg kat tv tu, anjing tu nme underdog sbb dia dulu tertindas, pastu jadi superhero.. klu sape2 pernah tgok tau la kot.
Sejujurnya, aku x tau nak tulis apa lagi pasal azie ni, klu aku nak cite seluruh hidup dia kang , x muat lak kat sini.. hehe, jadi sampai di sini sajalah...
Kepada kawan2 ku yang lain, jgn jeles yer... nanti kalau aku rajin aku nak tulis pasal korang plak.. hehe, so buat2 baik la ngan aku.. ^_^

dalam gambar: farah, mashitah, alia, azira, afiqah, farhana, hafizah.. <3 zaman kanak-kanak.
wei, pic tak senonoh Lah. haha *zaman kgimilangan kot